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Help us turn young lives around

Thank you for supporting One-Eighty.

For over 12 years, we have been responding to the needs and demands of young people’s mental health, supporting those who are persistently absent from education.

In this time, demand for our services has dramatically increased, - referrals have tripled since 2019 and many young people who previously had mild needs are now at crisis point.

With your generous support we have already achieved so much for young people and their families. We need your support more than ever in order to continue turning young lives around.

There are lots of ways to support us:



Donate Now!


You can make a donation on our Just Giving Page

  • £5 could provide resources for a parent/carer to have a 1:1 session with one of our mental health support workers

  • £25 would fund a Summer/ Transitional Summer Project trip for a young person

  • £50 could provide resources for a whole class of children to take part in our preventative mental health project ‘Make Me Smile’

  • £225 would pay for a young person to receive an intensive support session

Setting up a regular direct debit payment is the most effective way to support One-Eighty as it allows us to plan for the future with more certainty. To make a regular monthly donation please visit our Just Giving page



Join the One-Eighty Blenheim 7k Running Team

Date for your diary: Sunday 19th May 2024

Blenheim 7k Fun Run

Taking place in the beautiful grounds of Blenheim Palace in Woodstock, sign-up today to take part in one of the following:

  1. 7k Fun Run

  2. 7k run with your dog

  3. 4 miles for buggies and wheelchairs

  4. 1 mile for under 15s

To register for the One-Eighty Blenheim 7k

As part of the One-Eighty running team, you will receive a free t-shirt and get 15% off the entrance fee (excludes the children’s race). You will be able to meet many of the One-Eighty team on the day and the entrance fee also entitles you and your supporters entrance to the Blenheim grounds for the whole day.

One you’ve registered, you can create a Just Giving page on our team page here

Your support will directly impact the lives of many young people like Jayden

One-Eighty have changed everything! I have always struggled to trust people because of my past, but I now feel more confident to talk to people and ask for help when I need it. One-Eighty helped me to see that my anger wasn’t my identity and they could see the person I was underneath. I still feel anger sometimes but have strategies I can use to help me and those around me understand why I feel like this and help me too.
— Jayden, aged 15 and recently supported by One-Eighty


Hold your own fundraising event



Could you organise your own fundraising event to help us achieve our 10th anniversary fundraising goal? You could host your own Bake-Off, get your school to take part in a sponsored silence, challenge your work colleagues to a yogathon, hold a dress down day, take part in a virtual swim, run or cycle….it’s up to you!

We can provide a fundraising pack to help you. If you would like to fundraise on our behalf, please get in touch at



Charity of the Year


Perhaps you work for an organisation that holds ‘Charity of the Year’ nominations or hosts regular fundraising events for local charities. We would love to hear from you and would be more than happy to speak to your team/ organisation to tell them more about our work. Please get in touch at



Shop online with Give as You Live

Raise free funds through Give as you Live Online

Want to help us raise more - just by shopping online? Well now you can with Give as you Live! 

When you shop at over 4,000 top stores including Amazon, Expedia and John Lewis via Give as you Live, they'll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for our charity!

Simply sign up, search for the retailer and start shopping. It's that simple. And its free!